Professor, Department Chair, Teaching, Curriculum, and Society
Lynch School of Education
Telephone: 617-552-6466
Email: charles.proctor.1@kllkj.net
Bilingualism in School Settings
Language and Literacy Development
Reading Comprehension
Bilingual Teacher Education
Dr. Patrick Proctor investigates the intricacies of bilingualism and literacy, focusing on learners from Spanish-speaking homes. His theoretical research focuses on models of bilingualism, language development, and reading comprehension, and the intersections between them. He has been a co-author in a number of journal articles including: “Language Maintenance Versus Language of Instruction: Spanish Reading Development Among Latino and Latina Bilingual Learners” (Journal of Social Issues); “Native Spanish-speaking children reading in English: Toward a model of comprehension.” (Journal of Educational Psychology); “The Relationship between Cognate Awareness and English Comprehension Among Spanish-English Bilingual Fourth Grade Students” (TESOL Quarterly); and “ The Changing Landscape of Text and Comprehension in the Age of New Literacies” (Handbook of New Literacies).